Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Gardening Day!!!!

Yesturday for Family Home Evening we all decided to help mom straighten up her yard. Mom started by weeding her flowerbed. She started at 1 and didn't finish until 5. Her hands and fingers are sore. In fact her whole body is sore (she is 60 you know).

When the men got home they did the hard stuff. Justin put a dripper system in her flowerbed. That way mom won't have to remember to turn the water on and off and flood the basement like she does about every year (she is 60 you know).

Matthew did the lawnmowing and the weedeating. He is very good at that. He does a perfect job every time he does it. It's his favorite thing to do, and he does it with a smile as you can see by the photo.

Tyler and Kyle helped by driving the blue car around in the shed!! Believe me it really did help.

And of course the job would never be done right without professional supervisors. I must say the yard looks absolutely perfect because of the professional supervisors. So ends a great Family Home Evening.

Boy we worked hard!!


Goofyness said...

What can I say we are good at supervising. Nothing would get done if it wasn't for us.(LOL)

Abby said...

It's true. Nothing would get done. That is how I work best - by supervising.

Bailey Family said...

Nothing turns ya on more then watching the men you love work hard. Glad you all had a great time. I have no idea how to do this blogging stuff , so I just keep the email Abby sent me and click on your links.
