Monday, July 18, 2011

Zoey an Artist??

So yesterday Justin and I were downstairs playing with Lexie and talking and stuff. The kids were outside playing. Justin wanted to go out and check on them and I said no they are being good they will come in if something happens. A little while later Justin was getting nervous so he went to check on them. The next thing I heard was, "GO TO YOUR ROOMS BOTH OF YOU, NOW! YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE!!" Justin doesn't yell very much so I figured it must of been pretty bad. I asked what happened and he said, "Zoey spraypainted our car!" I was in shock! I thought no way! Then I thought, I'm gonna kill her! (I wouldn't really do that) Then I thought, what has gotten into these kids! I go out there and sure enough she painted the passenger side door PURPLE!!! Justin was almost in tears. Surprisingly, I didn't fly off the handle like I normally would do. Instead I was thinking of solutions. The first thing that came to my mind was vinegar. We didn't have vinegar. Justin called his parents and they told him to let the insurance cover it. I called my mom and she said to rub it out with a dry rag. I called Christi cause her hubby works on cars. He didn't know so he called his cousin and he said to buff it out with a buffer. Christi called her mom, and she said to use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. So I used a Magic Eraser and I got it off! No more purple car! We were lucky! Zoey on the other hand wasn't so lucky. She had to scrub the hall walls upstairs and the hall walls going downstairs. She wasn't happy but she learned her lesson.


Abby said...

Ahhh! I remember walking into mom's hardwood floor kitchen and Jeremy and Bailee had dumped a can of paint on the wood and was starting to paint. Yah, it happens to everyone.

The Rich's said...

I couldn't beleive this story! Kids can definatley try your paitence! I amazed the magic eraser worked! I love those things!!! They even have me sold more. You should write the company and tell them your story and how much you love them and they might send you free product or coupons!!

born2bhappy said...

I am glad you got it off and did have to have your insurance involved. Children certainly can get into trouble easy.

carolee said...

Oh no! Bryce would have died right on the spot if that happened at our house!!